Loving our Life together

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

SARA * 08.08.07 * 7 lbs. 8.5 oz. * 21.5"

CafeMom Tickers

VIHAAN * 12.7.11 * 7 lbs. 4 oz. * 20.5"

CafeMom Tickers

Sunday, March 13, 2016

It's a Circus

We went to the circus today...super fun!  I remember going with Binny-Bharat few years ago.  I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the show is pretty similar years later!  I still was fascinated with some motorcyclists riding inside a small metal globe! :)

BTW, Vihaan was initially FASCINATED by the show. However, after the intermission we had to really calm him down as he wanted to go back home.

Everyone a Winner - Swim Meet

YMCA organized a fun event for kids today -the kids get to experience a real swim meet with Officials, Announcers, and Timers.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

DI Competition

DI Competition was today at asking Ridge High School.  Sara's team did great and won 1st prize in NJ DI State tournament. SO proud of you and your team


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I love Family!!

I'm "writing" this down before I forget.

I asked Vihaan "Who he loves the most?" . Within a second he responds, "Mumma, Daddy & Sara". So, i asked - "You have to pick one - most favorite". Poor guy was puzzled and then asked me - "Can I please pick FAMILY?". I love my FAMILY.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sara's Violin Concert

Sara had her Violin Concert this weekend and she performed like a star making mommy proud!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sussex County Youth Orchestra

Ms. Ludmilla (Sara's Violin teacher) recommended Sara to join a local Orchestra group where she participates as well. Today, was her first lesson. I was very impressed with the structure and the music director - Mrs. Tedesco. She knew Sara since her son (Mr. Tedesco) is the Band Teacher at Stony Brook School - such a small world!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Love This Boy

4 Years Old!!

Happy 4th birthday Vihaan! I cannot believe we have a four-year-old preschooler! Where has the time gone?! He's growing up for sure. :( Vihaan's favorite things right now: legos, shopkins, the iPad (which makes it Not my favorite!), and his best preschool buddies- Tyler & Atharv.

Vihaan's still a great little brother to Sara. They drive each other CrAzy sometimes, but for the most part they get along. They love each other- for sure! Speaking of love- Vihaan's primary "love language" is, for sure, still physical touch.  He gives hugs and often kisses too when he wants to love you, but also says, "Mommy (or Daddy), I Love You." in the most sincere way. It's amazing!!!

Happy Birthday Vihaan!

Vihaan celebrated his actual birthday by going to both schools today. It's a Monday, and playing with his pals is one of his favorite things to do- so why not go to school? We brought in mini-cupcakes, fruits, cookies etc for snack, goody bags and everyone sang to him at snack time- yay, fun!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sara On Ice!

We took Sara to public skate at the Skylands Ice World first time today. She absolutely loved it as her friend Elena joined us too.